Thursday, May 8, 2008

Doing my job as a photographer.

One of the reasons I take the photos I do is to see the world a different way, and to show other people how to look at the world in a different way. I've seen results in photos taken by my family (parents and kids) , and in comments from my friends and co-workers.

Last night I managed to inspire in a more direct and human manner. I was in downtown Palo Alto
, just looking at how the evening light played on the mix of architecture. I noticed a "sky scraper", an 8 story tower. Fairly standard 60's/70's tower, floor to roof glass panels between pillars. But the light was on the facet towards me, and it looked like the glass was either stained glass, or glossy tiles. From about 2 blocks away with a 200mm lens I suddenly realized it was covered in photographs. Anyway, suffice it to say I worked my way closer over the couple of blocks to find out what it was all about.

About 10 minutes later, a passerby stopped me to ask about the building, which was City Hall. She said that at first she couldn't understand why anyone would be photographing the building, then she had looked closer and noticed the photo montage. I guess she was resident, or a frequent visitor, and the local buildings had become so much just background noise that she needed something to catch her eye and get her to refocus.

I guess this is not the first time it's happened to me. I've seen people glance at what photographers are shooting, but seldom do they see. Some times they actually look. Sometimes they even ask. This is an immediate side of photography I sometimes forget exists. It's kinda fun though. The best part is your undeveloped photo is already developed in someones imagination, and the beauty they see is in the minds eye of the beholder.

(The film has not been developed yet, so won't be posted for a few days.)

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