I was walking down the street the other day, and I saw this lovely old fire station. They even had what looked like a vintage fire truck there.
So I just had to take some photographs. I like shooting the trucks from low down, there are two reasons for this. The first is that you can really get some fun details, like the eagle or phoenix atop the bell, the chrome around the head lights reflecting a neighbouring truck, of the texture of the radiator, or klaxon. The second reason for shooting low is to get a kids eye view. Grownups look at fire trucks where kids look up to them, in every sense of the phrase. You can add to the size by being low, you can re-kindle memories.
I'm definitely happy when all I'm exploring the details of a fire-engine, every nuance of design, be it a Mack, Pearce, La France, Seagrave or whatever. Sometimes I get a little too focused.
But usually I notice when the engine starts up, or the firemen shout at me to get out of the way.