Ah, yes, the wonders of "up front" sound (precursor of stereo, quad, and surround), in glorious mono-blend phonic. All the sound of the band from one condensed source.

The compact low pressure condensing engine drives a ratcheted reciprocal winder under the gramaphon for hours of entertainment. Hi Fi 12 7/8 rpm bitumen disks can hold up to 20 minutes of a 12 piece band. Maybe that's where that phrase came from...
(these two images need to be an ani-gif, so you can see the engine running.)

Add to this the dazzling light FX of strobestom, a phosphorescent isotope found by Admiral V. Jules of the French "Maritime Sous-nautique Expedition" in underwater caves near Fiji.
Flushed with the success of this project I built an "Allez Allez Fille" cage. (Babel fish translated "go-go girl" to "aller-vont la fille", which translates back to "outward journey-go the girl"). See Samantha in her swashbuckling garb swing her bustle...

I pulled the fence off so you could see what was going on inside.

The Builds

The Disco lights - Bionicle of course. The piston came from a 4 cylinder technic hot rod of about 15 years ago. The hose (sound conduit) was Lego brand pneumatic hose. You may argue that it is a modified part, but the hose is sold in long lengths at legoeducation.com and is a cut to length item. Stylus (needle) was a small ice axe, probably Alphateam, may have been Dino Attack.
30 parts, breaking the door down to windows etc. Minifig is an extra 5, 3+ hair and cape. Yes, the dreamy look is half drowned Ron Weasley.

That nice rocky base is from the Pirakah Stronghold - Bionicle. I think it may have appeared in Castles too. The tan piece wiht the hatchway is from the T1 Typhoon, the Dino Attack helicopter. Various bionicle bits, and a hand me down exhaust pipe. The scrolly thing holding the gates closed came with the "Order of the Phoenix" Hogwarts Castle.
base (+4 clips and two plates) = 7
gates (4 gates, 2@(3 1x1, 4 clips, 1 cylinder, 1 cone, 1 flame), 1 4x1 flat Celtic Braid print) = 25
back wall - 5 beams, 1 wall piece, 2@double pin, bionicle "foot?", exhaust, small pirakah tool = 11
Pirate in dress (head, scarf, torso, upper skirt (2x2 slope) lower skirt (2x2 brick) = 5
Total, 48, oh, turntable = 49.